Ham Fest Car Show

Last updated October 11, 2023

You can set your clocks to it: the Ham Fest Car Show. 

From NASCAR pace cars, to sporty 2-seater coupes and classic trucks, find the many curvy bodies and bold colored machines in Cadiz Baptist’s parking lot. 

Car, Truck & Motorcycle Show Details

Let’s answer some of the most commonly asked questions?

How do I register?

There’s no preregistration. 

You just show up Saturday morning when we kick things off. We’ll start our day Saturday at 8am.

What are the prizes and who are the judges?

Award plaques are given away for the top 10 cars and the top 3 motorcycles. 

In this show, the judges are the entrants—the people that bring a car, truck or a motorcycle—they’re the ones that vote on them, so there aren’t “official” judges.

And there’s no classes.

From event founder, Larry Kemp, “It’s just you vote on the car you like the best or the motorcycle. We’ll have a People’s Choice Award, which that’s the most coveted one of all, I think. … We’ll have a People’s Choice Award, and we’ll have good ’50s, ’60s and ’70s music. [And] we’ll have a few door prizes.”

What's the fee?

The fee to enter is $20. 

Where's my money go?

Funds go to a local Christian teen center, The Way, and the majority of funds go to build churches in Bangladesh.

So far, over the years, 17 churches have been built thanks to the funds this Car Show has raised.

The 2023 Ham Fest Car Show will mark its 18th year!

Who's behind this show?

The Ham Festival Car Show has always been put on by the Cadiz Baptist Brotherhood—a group of men in the congregation who have a heart for vintage motors and missions. 

Have You Seen This Year's Lineup?

Who’s performing? What’s the schedule? What else is gonna be there?