These are helpful “housekeeping” rules and details about the Country Ham Festival.
Behind Cadiz Christian Church, located between Madison Street and Franklin Street (we’ll post a map soon)
Sorry. No pets are allowed in downtown Cadiz during the festival. The only exception for this is for registered service animals (aka, the pets that are wearing a service animal vest).
Find First Aid and EMT professionals in 2 different Locations:
Court Street, Next to Trigg County Justice Center
West Cadiz Park, Nest to Park Restrooms
Scott Street: Next to Janice Mason Art Museum
Jefferson/Monroe Street: Shuttle Bus Stop at Marion Street In City Parking Lot
Main Street at Justice Center, East Side
Montgomery Street Toward Hwy 139
West Cadiz Park near Carnival Rides
Two stages will feature live acts and music groups.
Where is Renaissance Stage?
AKA the WKDZ Renaissane Stage is uptown, beside Purple Pig Antiques and adorning the WKDZ Radio logos.
Where is the Main Stage?
The “Main Stage” is downtown, located more toward the foot of the hill, on the left (where the old IGA used to be, and where the Farmer’s Market and Junque Fest are normally held).
Sorry. Any of these vehicles are not allowed at the festival. Even motorized scooters like the unicycle styled kind, hover boards or Onewheels.
Who’s performing? What’s the schedule? What else is gonna be there?